Sunday, April 9, 2017

COSRX Galactomyces 95 Whitening Power Essence Review

Halo! Actually, I've been kinda sick lately, katanya dokter sih ya kecapekan gitu. Gimana ga capek, like kuliah dari pagi-sore tiap hari ada presentasi or paper. Mau ga mau ya bergadang dan minum kopi in order to keep my eyes open and BAMM, gue sakit deh pas pulang ke rumah hahaha. Badan gue panas, muntah-muntah, punggung gue sakit (emang skolio gue aja yang kurang ajar kayaknya), pusing, lemes, keringet dingin, tapi mau tidur gabisa, ah sudahlah.

And in this sick-kind-of period, I can do nothing except cuddling around in my bed accompanied by my phone, laptop, and some medicines. Cannot chilling around with my boyfriend either (dia lagi pulang ke surabaya huft). How miserable I am, huh?

In this opportunity, I would like to introduce you to COSRX. COSRX itu merupakan produk dari Korea yang specialize its product for sensitive and acne prone skin. Based on people's choice and review, I found that this product is kinda helpful somehow (kalo pemakaiannya rutin). Brand COSRX itu sih if I am not mistaken, belum terlalu lama berdirinya tapi they have been doing a research for around 14 years. Okay, without further do, let's jump into the review!

Tampak depan product tanpa box

Nah, Based on some review that I have seen before I buy this product, katanya sih Galactomyces ini sendiri adalah fermented skincare product just like 'Pitera'. Di product ini sendiri mengandung 95% Galactomycesnya. And this COSRX Galactomyces 95 Whitening Power Essence is kinda similar with Missha's Time Revolution First Treatment Essence or SKII's Facial Treatment Essence. For your information, Pitera is a liquid that is full of vitamins, amino acids, minerals and organic acids that work together to allow the skin’s natural surface rejuvenation process to function at its prime. Jadi bisa bayangin kan bertapa bagusnya product ini. 

Selama ini, gue udah repurchase ke 2x dan lumayan ngebantu untuk ngilangin acne scars. However, with the title of "Whitening Power Essence", menurut gue product ini bikin wajah jadi lebih clear and pure instead of mutihin. 

Bentuknya cair dan sedikit lengket (tapi ga se lengket COSRX Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence yang bentuknya kaya lendir). Gue pake pagi, sebelum pakai moisturizer dan pas mau tidur sebelum pakai Nature Republic Aloevera 92% Soothing Gel.  

The result is kinda awesome, tadinya gue ada alergi lumayan gede di pipi bagian bawah bentuknya kaya kebakar gitu, gatel, perih, merah, ga berapa lama sekitar 2-3 harian gitu di barengi sama Nature Republic Aloevera 92% Soothing Gel, eh ilang dan kulit gue jd ga pernah alergi lagi (tapi kadang masih aja jerawatan pas mau PMS).

Untuk harga, gue beli 240k untuk ukuran 100ml. Sekali make cuma 1 pump aja ga banyak-banyak bisa sampe 3-4 bulan lamanya. Kalo nyimpen juga di suhu ruangan aja, jangan kena panas atau sinar matahari langsung. Because It will damaging this product like directly.

Overall results of the product:

1. Alergi ilang
2. Kulit tambah lembut
3. Kulit tambah kenyal
4. Bisa ngilangin bekas luka atau jerawat
5. Bisa bikin muka jadi lebih cerah
6. Moisturizes the skin and supports skin renewal


Packaging: 3/5 (too simple and plain)
Found this product helpful: YES
Product Score: 4.5/5
Overall Score: 4/5
Repurchase: YES

Next gue bakal nge-review COSRX Acne Pimple Master Patch and Nexcare Acne Patch ya! Let's see who's going to be a winner of acne-pimple patch kind of product.

See you on my next post, CHEERS!

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